Norman Rockwell’s America
Norman Rockwell’s heart-warming depictions of everyday life made him the best-known and most beloved American artist of the 20th century. He lived and worked through some of the most eventful periods in the nation’s history, and his painting vividly chronicled those times. They serve as a mirror of American life, reflecting not only who Americans were but also what they thought – and what some may have subconsciously endeavored to become.
Rockwell was a storyteller when so-called “serious” art was neither narrative nor representational. His painted stories were folksy, humorous and often topical, but he was more than just a chronicler of the times. He had a genius for knowing which stories to tell, how to tell them and which details to emphasize in order to strengthen the message. It has been said that a Rockwell painting requires neither explanation nor caption nor title. It speaks to us directly: a whole story in a single image. Consequently, Norman Rockwell’s Saturday Evening Post covers may be his greatest legacy for each cover is a complete story.
Norman Rockwell’s America asserts his place as a great illustrator/artist and suggests his most enduring subject was the American Spirit. It permits his view of ‘Americana’ to be gauged by different audiences in very different parts of the USA and abroad. No matter the nationality of the audience, the visual language of Norman Rockwell is understood and acclaimed by all. The exhibition contains a remarkable collection of select original works spanning six decades, providing a comprehensive look at the artist’s career and includes all of his vintage Saturday Evening Post covers.